Cocktail Bitter Sweet, Jean Patou
В 1930 году Jean Patou предложил посетителям своего бутика необычное развлечение — парфюмерный коктейль-бар. В этом баре, судя по рекламным постерам тех лет, были представлены три готовых коктейля — Cocktail Dry, Cocktail Sweet, и Cocktail Bitter Sweet .Cocktail Bitter Sweet - дневной коктейль .
Так же выпускался в формате The Baby Bar в деревянной подарочной коробочке оригинальной конструкции, содержащие 3 коктейля , 7 эфирных масел и бутылочку для собственного смешивания 'My Own Cocktail'. Некоторые из бутылок набора содержали эфирные масла Opoponax, сандала, жасмина и ладана (остальные 3 не известны, всего 7 шт.) . Предназначены они были для создания собственного аромата и одновременно давали возможность почувствовать себя и парфюмером и барменом и сделать свою собственную композицию -коктейль из ароматов. Все бутылки и ящик были сделаны мастерской Verreries Brosse.
Country Life, 1931:
"After the most interesting demonstration in scent making by Jean Patou of Paris, and the Robert Douglas 1931 Products, which took place last week, and to which we ... A woman can mix her own scent from Jean Patou's Perfume Cocktails which consist of three basic essences and of seven vials of 'Angosturas' - purple, indigo, blue, green, yellow and red - which one would want the pen of a poet to describe, and are so concentrated that a single drop will alter the mixture. It is a fascinating game to mix one's own perfume, and to possess a cocktail bar of this description suggests endless delights to which I cannot imagine any woman being"
Caras y caretas, 1932:
"A NEW IDEA - THE BAR OF PERFUMES. Behold the cocktail that can be taken without remorse, the cocktail will not talk or curse the sages of academic medicine. Only in fact, Jean Patou, the famous couturier in Paris, the creator of many fashions obeyed and followed by women around the world, could decide that seven extracts women ... you find in your bar and wearing the symbolic name of angostura. The second "Bitter Sweet", more languid, for the afternoon. Finally, "Sweet" is a floral fragrance for the evening which will stir fans. With these bases, each lady will add one or two of the seven extracts found in his bar and wearing the symbolic name of angostura."
Harper's Bazaar, 1930:
"CONSIDER YOUR PERFUME It is the Medium through which Madame Expresses her Individuality. "It is not enough that the smart woman of today shall be well dressed, I well coiffed, and well shod," says Jean Patou. "It is quite as important that she shall be well perfumed, though this may require a great effort and great research." To promote such an ultra-modern idea, this great fashion authority has devised a perfume bar, where the chic woman could have her scent mixed. The component parts required for this infusion are four major perfumes which he calls cocktails, and seven minor scents which correspond to angosturas. These perfectly delightful ingredients can be mixed in different proportions to suit the individuality and taste of the woman.."In an effort to obtain a fragrance expressive of their own personalities," declares Monsieur Patou, "there has been a vogue recently among women of fashion for making their own..." Here are the ingredients for blending your scent like a cocktail, to express your type or to fit the occasion. Above, are the four major scents: Dry, Sweet, Bitter Sweet, My Own."
Perfumery and Essential Oil Record, 1936:
"M. Jean Patou, one of the best -known Paris dress designers, has died there, aged 49. His innovations included a " perfume bar " with which a woman could mix a new perfume each day in a shaker."
The New Yorker, 1950:
"Among the revivals, first place must go to Patou's Cocktail Dry, a perfume that became a legend in the early thirties and probably will find new devotees in the fifties. It's a clever, alive scent, well described by its name."
Town and Country, 1951;
" Jean Patou's distinctive Cocktail Dry is its premiere in cologne form."
The Illustrated London News, 1955:
"Pay Attention! . . . When you take care wear this perfume - Cocktail Dry! Like the subtle flavor of the connoisseur's cocktail , it is insidious - it goes straight to the head with unpredictable suddenness. . . Not a perfume for the ingenue."
The Illustrated London News, 1955:
"Not a perfume for the ingenue. But uninhibited outdoor personalities will appreciate the sweet-bitter tang of Patou's Cocktail Dry. And world- wise women who avoid the obvious in all things will immediately recognise its potent possibilities ."
Harper's Bazaar, 1956:
"Cocktail Dry" — a mysterious medley of woodsy scents, chypre and a pinch of spice. By Jean Patou."
The New Yorker, 1956:
"Patou's Cocktail Dry has a contemporary, lively appeal, though it is not as well known as the softer Moment Supreme."
К сожалению пирамида нот того аромата не известна, но предположительно он был амбровым с пряными нотами.